
Mar 19 2025 9:09 PM
Unreleased music from 1981

In 1981, the National Museum of Denmark in Brede hired Klaus Schønning to compose music for an exhibition about the Vikings. Some of the museum staff had seen Klaus perform Lydglimt at the Purple Door club and thought his music would be suitable for the exhibition. The music from the exhibition has never been released, and for many years it was thought to have been lost. However, on Record Store Day 2025, the music will be made available to subscribers of Klaus Schønning's Bandcamp page.

I 1981 hyrede Nationalmuseets afdeling i Brede Klaus Schønning til at lave musik til en udstilling om Vikingerne. Nogle af museets folk havde set Klaus opføre Lydglimt på Purple Door klubben, og tænkte at hans musik ville passe til udstillingen. Musikken fra udstillingen er aldrig blevet udgivet, og i mange år troede man, at den var gået tabt. Men på Record Store Day 2025 vil musikken blive gjort tilgængelig for abonnenter af Klaus Schønnings Bandcampside.